Between Restructuring And Constitutional Review

Calls for the remodeling of Nigeria as a nation are getting louder and stringent of late and there is no let-up.
But the calls are at variance with themselves, particularly among the two main schools of thoughts.
While one school is pushing for the restructuring of Nigeria, the other is demanding a constitutional review.
It sounds like a case of semantics but for sure they are all genuine agitations for a strong and workable country where justice and equity prevail.
Discontentment about how the nation is being run seems to be growing at an alarming rate and snowballing into agitations for a new Nigeria.
Certainly, the modest successes recorded as a nation have now been overshadowed by the teething problems the populace are grappling with, particularly insecurity and electricity issues.
Those agitating for restructuring are at pains to explain that it would make Nigeria stronger at the end of the day. For this school of thoughts, their key demand is true federalism.
They strongly advocate that federalism will bring out the true potentials of each state, develop the respective economy of individual federating states according to their abilities. They argue that the present unitary system where states go cap-in-hand for monthly handouts from the Federal Government is not helping Nigeria to rise to its true greatness.
However, those afraid of the term restructuring would rather want to effect any change Nigeria needs through a constitutional review. There are definitely a lot to be reviewed such as the electoral process, security, devolution of powers, revenue sharing formula, citizenship, oil derivation, autonomy of the judiciary and many other issues of vexation and national concerns.
Government must find a way to marry the two schools of thoughts to move Nigeria forward and consolidate the unity and progress of the nation.
Nigeria is an evolving nation and will keep changing until it attains egalitarianism.
Nevertheless we must be proud of what we have achieved as a nation though we have not reached El Dorado.
At the last political conference in 2014, a lot of national issues were thoroughly addressed and recommended for implementation. Unfortunately, they remain on the shelves or locked away in a drawer. If only the government will dust up and look into the conference recommendation files, Nigeria stands to gain a lot.
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Today, Nigeria is still reaping the benefits of the 1995 constitutional conference that introduced the six geopolitical zones and the 13 per cent oil derivation.
Nigerians must come together to keep talking about progress and the way forward.
That is the only way to strengthen the democratic and all other institutions needed for nation building.
If there is one thing Nigerians need to be proud of, it is the fact that democracy is taking roots and deepening in the nation. True democracy thrives on the rule of law and order.
Finally, Nigeria will fully rise to greatness if government will restructure the nation and review the constitution in line with the dictates of the people. More so, every Nigerian must also resolve to abide by the rule of law.