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Bring Back The Trade Fairs



In years past there used to be annual trade fairs in Uyo usually held at Ibom Hall grounds towards the end of the  year. But unfortunately, none has been held for about a decade now.  I wonder why a fast growing city like Uyo is no longer holding trade fairs. Such fairs are capable of promoting and enhancing the industrialisation policy of the Governor Udom Emmanuel administration.
It is a pity that while most other cities are still holding theirs, Uyo has stopped hers. Only early this month the Lagos International Trade Fair opened and you can imagine the volume of trade that it will generate. I remember that the Akwa Ibom Trade Fair, as it used to be called, usually had close to a million visitors and huge trade volume.
It was fast becoming a regular yearly feature in the nation’s trade fair calendar which  always opened with Kaduna Trade Fair in Febraury, Enugu Trade Fair in April, Lagos Trade Fair in November, Uyo Trade Fair in Late November and the calendar rounded off in December with Aba Trade Fair.
All of them are still holding except Uyo Trade Fair and that really is embarrassing.  I am therefore appealing to the Akwa Ibom State Government and the Uyo Chambers of Commerce and Industries to do everything possible to reinstate it. Thanks.
Akpan  Eyo

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