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Celebration Of Royalty As Oku Ibom Ibibio Meets Foreign Defence Attaches

By Nelson Enyieting


Ikot Okubo is a serene community in
Western Nsit, Nsit Ubium Local Gov
ernment Area of Akwa Ibom State. Beyond its rich farmland, hospitable natives and commercial activities, Ikot Okubo is the home of Oku Ibom Ibibio, Patriarch of Ibibio People Worldwide, Paramount Ruler of Nsit Ubium LGA and Chairman of Akwa Ibom State Council of Chiefs, His Eminence, Nteyin Solomon Daniel Etuk.
As the host of the foremost traditional ruler in Ibibio land and Akwa Ibom State, Ikot Okubo has become a royal haven for people of all walks of life, who visit the Palace to pay homage to the patriarch, who is the “altima auctoritate” (final authority) on Ibibio customary jurisprudence.
This scene came to play on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 as Foreign Defence Attaches from 22 countries of the World paid homage to His Eminence, Nteyin Solomon Daniel Etuk in his capacity as Oku Ibom Ibibio and chairman of the Akwa Ibom State Council of Chiefs. Apart from the royal banters, the visit centred on security collaboration for peaceful co-existence.
According to an American billionaire and philanthropist, Theodore Forstmann, “the opposite of security is insecurity and the only way to overcome insecurity is to take risks”.
In the light of this, the United Nations General Assembly plenary, first session, 11th, 12th – 13th meeting, on September 21, 2016, played host to world leaders who convened to address this dreaded monster called insecurity and proffered possible ways to tackle the menace.
This development, according to free thinkers is a step in the right direction, stressing that risk factor in security management is a vital and unavoidable component that plays very important role in addressing security challenges.
It is common knowledge that effective security management effort that would guarantee a sustained peace and security globally, is not complete without huge resources being committed by world leaders to tackling it implementation.
All these efforts therefore, are is to buttress the fact that the importance of security in any given society cannot be over emphasized.

In Nigeria for instance, the crippling effect of insecurity has been on the rise in the last few years, and its attendant consequences are too numerous to enlist.
The adverse effect of insecurity would be properly explained by those whose communities, cities and states in the North East region of Nigeria experienced daily bombings by the dare devil Boko Haram insurgents.
Inarguably, the 36 States in Nigeria and Abuja, have had their fair share of this lingering enemy of human and socio economic development, called insecurity, hence the need for synergy and collaborative efforts by all stakeholders to stem the tide.
However, in Akwa Ibom State, the story is rather different because of some drastic steps the government of the day in partnership with other stakeholders has introduced, not only to check the ugly trend but to give it a zero tolerance approach.
Incidentally, the recent visit of the 22 member foreign defence attaches and staff of defence intelligence agency to Akwa Ibom State last week, for a 3-day retreat was an indication that the honest effort in the fight against insecurity in the State was gaining some momentum.
This was practically evident when the 22 defence intelligence while on a tour of projects and other infrastructure, eulogised the frantic strides of the present government of Mr Udom Emmanuel, who according to them was able to march words with action in his drive toward tackling insecurity.
Another commendable step taken by the envoys while in the state was their visit to the palace of Oku Ibom Ibibio and Chairman of Akwa Ibom State Council of Chiefs, His Eminence, Nteyin Solomon Etuk to equally commend the royal fathers for their unflinching support they have accorded the state government which, according to them, have culminated in the success story recorded by the state against insecurity which has extensively paved the way for the prevailing peace, development and progress the state is currently enjoying.
Addressing the guests in his palace, the Oku Ibom Ibibio said, Akwa Ibom is a place everyone must come because of what he described as “absolute peace, congenial atmosphere” made possible by the present administration in the state.
The patriarch of Ibibio land, noted that agricultural policy of the state government seeks to ensure that 100% of food consumed in the state are produced locally.
The head of traditional rulers in the State, averred that the current administration is complementing the agricultural revolution with industrialization which the defence attachés had been shown in the course of their visit.
“I do hope you come again. Pass this message to your respective missions. Let your commercial attachés come and visit our state; they won’t regret it’.
“Everybody knows that security is a catalyst for meaningful development and progress of any given society, and that is why the traditional institution in collaboration with other stakeholders in the State has not hesitated to give the needed support to the government toward curbing the menace,” the royal monarch stressed.
He added that since the issue of security is not a one man business. it calls for a concerted effort from all and sundry to sustain the fight against insecurity globally.
Speaking on behalf of the Chief defence Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General Emmanuel P. Undiandeye, said,” the purpose of our visit to your royal palace today, is primarily to come and pay our respect in honour of your esteemed royal stool as a father of Ibibio nation and leader of all traditional rulers in the state’.
“We thought it most respectful and proper to felicitate with you and commend you and other traditional rulers for the moral support given to the government in maintaining peace and order in your different domains thereby allowing development to thrive”.
Brigadier General Undiandeye hinted that Akwa Ibom State was chosen out of the 36 States and FCT, for the visit because of its prevailing peaceful ambience that greets every visitor, adding the defence intelligence agency was overwhelmed by several reports of giants development strides the state has recorded under Mr. Udom Emmanuel’s led administration.
The Director of Foreign Liaison, Defence Intelligence Agency, therefore described Akwa Ibom as a peaceful state in the country.
He added that in the course of the tour of the State, “We saw industries, technology, culture and a development vision. We felt the pioneering works in tourism, infrastructural development and above all the pervading feeling of peace.
“We were taken to areas where gigantic steps aimed at industrializing and taking the state to the fore of development, are taking place.”
While lauding the sterling managerial acumen of Governor Emmanuel’s industrial drive and focused leadership drive, He emphasized that, “We saw factories, we tasted cuisines, we felt the warmth of the good people of Akwa Ibom State.
“The warriors in your midst did not visit because they had all the time in their hands. They are people sent ahead to confirm that yes indeed, the peace we heard in the media is real.”
Brigadier General Undiandeye who described soldiers as purveyors of peace, added that the defence advisors got a signal of peace in Akwa Ibom State which he said, necessitated the visit.
He predicted that more industries and investors will arrive Akwa Ibom State as a result of the already existing enabling economic environment, noting that the nearness of the state to the sea gives it a good evacuation corridor for products that can be produced in the State.
Undiandeye revealed that the Chief of Defense Intelligence Agency and heads of Defence Intelligence in the respective countries of the visiting attachés appreciated the government and people of Akwa Ibom for their warm hospitality and peaceful ambience.
“In our own convenience, we shall sneak back individually to savour the beauty of this state”.

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