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Covid-19: No A’ibom Commissioner tested Positive as alleged – Ephraim Inyang -eyen



The Commissioner for Works, Akwa Ibom State, Mr Ephraim Inyangeyen has described the news going around; tin the social media that nine(9) commissioners in the state are sick of Covid-19, as a blatant lie from an “insane and sponsored blackmailer”.



He has therefore challenged the originators or sponsors of such malicious and false rumour to name the Members of the State EXCO suspected or comfirmed to have been down with Covid-19 and the location where they are taking treatment.



in a statement made available to our correspondent in Uyo on Monday morning, Inyangeyen stated categorically that all the Commissioners in Akwa Ibom State executive council are in good and sound health conditions.



He said the EXCO members have been working assiduously to help the state Covid-19 Committee fight to prevent the spread of the Pandemic in the State.



His words “To state the obvious, on Friday the 17th of April, we all gathered at the Exco chambers where we had the usual state executive meeting with the Governor.



“And on the 19th, we all came out for college meeting, on the 24th of April, which was FGPC, all members attended, observing social distancing order by the Federal Ministry of Health without an exemption.



“Why would someone cook up lies at this particular time where we all need encouragement, support, and positivity to keep us going day by day?



“As the Commissioner In charge of the Ministry of Works handling the ongoing construction of the Isolation Centre at Ituk Mbang, I have had my colleagues stop by every day to see the progress of the work done.



“I challenge the writer to name the nine(9) commissioners and the location where they are taking treatment” .

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