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Excitement as AKROIMA extends its tentacles to Eket, Onna LGAs



The people of Eket and Onna Local Government Areas were very excited yesterday, Monday as the Akwa Ibom State Roads and Other Infrastructures Maintenance Agency (AKROIMA) waded in to intervene on the abandoned Federal Government East West Road linking Eket with Onna Local Government Areas. The Onna/Eket bridge head which was very appalling, now offers a pleasurable driving experience to motorists as well as pedestrians during the Yuletide season and beyond.

Receiving the team in Eket LGA, the council Chairman, Mr. Frank Archibong expressed delight that AKROIMA would do a perfect job to salvage the deplorable roads in Eket. He paid glowing tributes to Governor Udom Emmanuel for the move to intervene on bad roads in the LGA, and expressed optimism that through the intervention by AKROIMA, residents of Eket LGA will have good roads network to enjoy during the Christmas celebrations.

The Eket council boss appreciated the members of AKROIMA Board for coming to the area, while expressing optimism that with Prince Godwin Ntukudeh on the saddle, the Agency would carry out excellent jobs on the failed portions of roads in Eket LGA. “I know that whatever Dr. Ntuk Udeh is involved in, he does it very well”, Hon. Frank Archibong noted. He added that with the intervention on Eket roads by AKROIMA, Governor Udom Emmanuel’s industrialization policy would thrive without any hitches arising from bad roads network.

Prince Godwin Ntuk Udeh while speaking with newsmen, applauded Governor Udom Emmanuel for ensuring that his belief in the maintenance culture as a serious tool for sustainable development is being actualized. He hinted that with their philosophy of “service before self”, members of the AKROIMA Board have resolved to ensure success of the Udom Emmanuel-led administration by adding value through selfless service.

Ntuk Udeh assured that with the team of competent engineers employed by AKROIMA, the Agency will carry out sustainable road maintenance and deliver the best job with quality assurance in the area.

The youth leaders of the host communities in Eket and Onna LGAs respectively, expressed excitement over the intervention, saying that the road intervention by AKROIMA will offer them a pleasurable driving experience, especially during the Christmas celebration. “We want to thank His Excellency, Governor Udom Emmanuel for intervening on this road, even though it is a Federal highway. We have been thinking of how we would cope with dust during the harmattan, but thank God that Governor Emmanuel through AKROIMA has intervened and has helped us out; but like Oliver Tweest, we still ask for more”, Mr. Godwin John who is the youth leader of Ikot Ebok village in Eket LGA expressed.

On his part, the youth leader of Okat community in Onna LGA, Mr. Ubong Ikpe James commended Governor Emmanuel for the timely intervention through AKROIMA. “We want to thank Governor Emmanuel for sending AKROIMA to come to our aide, not minding the fact that it is a Federal road; and even though the road is a Federal road, it is the people of Akwa Ibom State that were suffering as a result of the bad spots. But Governor Emmanuel has the interests of his people at heart, and has sent AKROIMA to come to our aide, despite being a federal road”.

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