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COTR, Spare Oro This Repeated Public Embarrassment


If the reports filtering into the public space are anything to go by, then the Council of Oro traditional Rulers, COTR, need to re- examine their core function as traditional body that supposedly parades first class traditional rulers, mandated to uphold the norms, culture and tradition of Oro people.
   Lately, the image of Oro Nation is gradually being dragged into the mud by the activities of some select members of COTR, who seek to exalt their personal recognition and glory rather than project the overall image and majority interest of Oro and her people to the larger society.
It is important to note that Oro people are fed up with this repeated power tussle within the ranks of COTR and the negative effects this show of shame may have rubbed on the overall image of Oro if not nibbed in the bud.
Moreover, rather than tear the hard earned image of the third ethnic group in Akwa Ibom State apart, COTR must go back to the drawing board and adopt its operational guidelines which was drafted in 1975 as a yardstick that should regulate it activities to avoid re-occurrence of this ugly development.
This repeated fracas, many believe, has brought public ridicule on Oro people both at home and in the Diaspora, and has attracted a wide spread condemnation from high spirited sons and daughters of Oro nation and beyond.
However, the warring factions should bury their personal interests and allow peace to reign. The collective interest, progress and wellbeing of Oro ethnic nationality is more paramount than few parochial interest. A word, they say, is enough for the wise.
 Asukwo Isangedigi
Udung Uko

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