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Obot Akara Agog as George Umoh Hosts Special New-year Bash



It was celebration galore during the weekend at Ikot Edem Udo Village square, Nto Edino Ward 3 in Obot Akara Local Government Area as Comrade George Umoh treated stakeholders, women, men and Youths of the area, to an elaborate end of the year ceremony.

The event which has become a yearly ritual had snowballed from small groups at street level, to ward level and has now metamorphosed to the local government level.

Speaking at the well attended ceremony, the host, Comrade George Umoh said the event which had no political undertone was motivated by his humble childhood history which was bereaved of basic needs of life.

According to him, “I am from a very poor background and we lived in a neighbourhood where we ate rice only on Christmas day. Sometimes we needed to start buying the ingredients for rice from the month of June so that by Christmas, we won’t have disappointment. So I had told God that if He blessed me, I will touch the life of others.

“I had vowed to embarrass rice in this world and I had said, till I die, rice would never be my problem. If I celebrate Christmas alone, I would not celebrate the New Year alone.”

He noted while in search of life, he came in contact with the current Commissioner for Youth and Sport, Sir Monday Ebong Uko adding that the said meeting had since transformed his life for best.

He described Sir Monday Uko as a man with rare milk of human kindness who according to him, has not only changed his socio-economic fortune, but has been his source of inspiration in the business of spreading love and touching lives.

He offered insight to the fact that when things began getting better, he has been carrying that out yearly hence at the occasion, he decided to fete his kinsmen in a grander scale.

Comrade Umoh who described his gesture as ” just a show of love” added ” giving is a determination from the heart irrespective of one’s status, meaning that some people are very rich and can never give out part of their wealth to others, while some will be willing to share the little that they have with others so that life can go round especially with the less privileged.”

While thanking the people for their support and prayers for the administration of Governor Udom Emmanuel, he assured them that he will not relent efforts in joining hands with stakeholders of the area to contribute their quota towards the uplift of Obot Akara.

Comrade Umoh who is a former aide to Governor Udom Emmanuel expressed gratitude to the State Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel for the opportunity given to him to serve in his government noting that it was a privilege and a period of learning.

Speakers after Speakers commended Comrade George Umoh over his continuous show of love to Obot Akara people describing him as a man who genuinely love his people and is ready to sacrifice for them.

While describing Comrade Umoh as a worthy party bigwig, loyal to the Peoples Democratic party (PDP), they noted that his benevolence portrays him as a man who has Governor Udom Emmanuel as role model.

They prayed God to bless him and position him in leadership roles that will afford him the opportunity to be more benevolent to his people.

Speaking at the event, the Chairman on the occasion, Hon. Uyoobong James expressed delight at the continuous show of love by George, recalling that George had earlier hosted his ward and community to a Christmas bash and has now, extended it to the local government level.

Uyoobong who is the Vice Chairman of Obot Akara, said given is an attitude and that George has cultivated the attitude to give, and prayed for God to replenish him on every side.

In her remarks, the State Chairman, State Secondary Education Board, Prof Maria Ikorok commended Comrade George Umoh for his humanitarian gesture, maintaining that there are blessings in giving; hence God will continue to bless George.

In her words, “I am overjoyed. You had done it before, you have done it again; you will still do it again and again in Jesus name. There is blessing in giving and God will continue to bless him. We should pray for God to bless George the more, and as he has clothed women, God should cloth him in Jesus name.”

While saying that given may not necessarily be out of abundance, she urged others, politicians and none alike to emulate the gesture and impact on their respective communities.

Also speaking, the Chapter Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Obong Ekomenammi Aloysius Ukat noted that the gesture was simply a demonstration of victory to the PDP, adding that George is a true party man who has shown that the PDP is people centered.

He appreciated George Umoh and remarking that next year shall be greater giving the uplift and enormous blessings that await the host, Comrade George Umoh.

On his part, one of the political elders in the area, Otuekong Innocent Akpan who appreciated George for the gesture, noted that what George had done was typical of true Christians adding that if one eats all one has alone, it would not really be sweet compared to sharing with others as George had done.

Others who spoke are the event including the youth council president; Comrade Emaido C. Akpan expressed delight at the philanthropic gesture of Comrade George and prayed for continuous blessings upon him and family.

In attendance were; representative of Senator Chris Ekpenyong, Wife of the Commissioner for Youth and Sport – Lady Blessing Ebong Uko, Wife of the Council Chairman – Mrs. Theresa Anietie Udoudo, Otuekong Archibong Innocent, Deaconess Mary Udo Okon, Hon. Francis Ufioke, Hon. Paulinus Isonguyo, Okuawan Ndifreke Idiong, Supervisors and Councillors of Obot Akara LGA, Faithfuls of the PDP, Elders, women and youth, among others.

Comrade Umoh presented 40 wrappers per ward to women of the ten political wards which make up Obot Akara LG, 20 bags of rice to each of the ten political wards in the area, as well as mouth watering cash to the elders, women, and youth.

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