
Will Abraham Choose Nigeria?


 Tammy Abraham is currently keeping Chelsea hopes alive in the league as their highest goal scorer in the ongoing season. But the goal poacher is now in demand in Nigeria. Will he eventually agree to play for his fatherland?
That is the question on the lips of football enthusiasts in Nigeria. Tammy whose father is from Bayelsa State of Nigeria and mother from England has already played for England under-20 national side and is most likely to be invited into The Three Lions squad.
Nigeria has also made a move to attract him to play for the Super Eagles. Well, everyone is keeping their fingers crossed to see which national team Tammy will eventually opt for.
Right now Tammy is not bound by FIFA statute to any national team. Although he last played for England junior team, he remains eligible to play for the Super Eagles since he has the Three Lions yet
Tammy is now in a see-saw situation and at a cross-roads.
Although the Nigerian football authorities did approach him in 2017 and extracted a tacit promise from him current events seem to have changed the picture.
With Tammy as perhaps the current most in-form teenager in the Premiership all England and Nigerian coaches are keenly watching him.
On the surface and ordinarily, he would naturally wish to play for England but he won’t simply stroll into camp to pick a shirt. He won’t find it easy picking a shirt.
Already there are top class strikers in England and will only have to queue. There already is Harry Kane as top nine and Rashford. It is not likely he will instantly display any one of the two. Should that be the case his best bet would be to choose the Super Eagles where he definitely will have an automatic shirt.
For now, Tammy is keeping everyone, especially Nigerians guessing and praying.

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