I have observed that mixed feelings have trailed the name change from Akwa Starlets FC to Dakkada FC.
The name change has been an issue of debate among many football enthusiasts. Opponents of the name change argue that it is a political move and would most likely be reversed in future by another administration.
Personally, I have nothing against the name change. Those against it have not stated in particular what is wrong about the name.
I always try to do my best to inform them that it was a directive from the Nigeria football authorities that two teams should not bear similar names. A such Akwa Starlets who share similar name with Akwa United had to change to Dakkadaa.
I perceive that some people do not fancy bearing Ibibio but English names. I am proudly Ibibio in name and belief. Dakkada is Ibibio which in English translation means Arise to greatness. It is a motivational name to ginger the team to greatness.
Etim Otu,