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INI Community, House Of REP Member Laud Governor Emmanuel On Industrialization Drive


The people of INI Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom have lauded the state Governor, Mr Udom Emmanuel, for his unparalleled commitment towards the industrialisation of the State.

The member representing Ikono/Ini Federal Constituency, Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-udo who aligned with the community, said Governor Emmanuel has proven to the people that he has them in the heart of his administration.

Ukpong-udo gave the commendation Saturday at Ananamong, Itu Mbonuso in Ini LGA during the commissioning of the Cocoa Fermentation and Drying Centre by the Governor, who was represented by his Deputy, Mr. Moses Frank Ekpo, MFR.

The lawmaker, who lamented the utter neglect experienced by Ikono/Ini Federal Constituency in the hands of previous administrations, applauded Governor Emmanuel for thinking it wise to bring the investment to the constituency, describing it as a massive relief.

“Since 1999 at the inception of PDP, no governor has visited the constituency to commission any project apart from Governor Udom Emmanuel. When the Governor came to Ini a year and a month ago to commission the rice mill, he promised to visit Ini more regularly to commission more projects. Today, he has proven himself a promise keeper and a ‘talk-and-do Governor’ by coming to commission another big economic investment project,” he said.

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The Ini-born federal lawmaker extended his gratitude to the Governor on behalf of Ikono/Ini people for his kindness, stressing that the growth witnessed by other fast growing economies of the world was occasioned by cocoa investments and promotions just like Nigeria does with oil.

He said that the over 20 industries operating in the state, since the inception of the present state administration, was a testament to the governor’s superior performance, maintaining that by the expiration of his tenure in 2023, Akwa Ibom will be saturated with industries to complement his campaign agenda of industrialisation.

Ukpong-udo prayed God to continue to give Gov Emmanuel more grace to do more for the constituency and the state at large.

He further implored the Governor on behalf of the people to consider intervening on the access road leading to the centre and other infrastructure relating to the project as no good investment survives without suitable infrastructure.

The Governor through his Deputy responded in affirmation to the request for the construction of the road and provision of other key amenities in the area.

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