He requires no further introduction, a father to many; political icon; exemplary youth leader; accomplished lawyer; worthy lawmaker and above all, unrepentant patriot. His name is Onofiok Luke.
His exemplary trail in local and international circles is unparalleled. His voice of reason resounds with the force of substance. His myth is enshrouded in his consistency and power to reinvent self-time after time – like the mythical firebird, the Phoenix, which burns itself in a nest of cinnamon twigs at the end of a life cycle but springs forth from same tepid ashes of time as a new and inspired Phoenix.
Onofiok’s life has shown that whatever a man sets his eyes on, so shall he achieve. He came into spotlight as a student leader and shone brightly on his generation, a light that has never gone dim. Nigeria felt the warmth of his leadership flame as Speaker of the Nigerian Youth Parliament. And the people of Nsit Ubium State Constituency were privileged to own and possess this rare gem as their representative at the House of Assembly. I am lucky too, he speaks for me at the Federal Parliament, I am so enamoured of his representation. His kind comes once in a lifetime.
RELATED: Constituency Briefing: Constituents Rate Onofiok High
From the cradle of Nsit Ubium comes this vivacious, courageous and spirited mouthpiece for the oppressed people in the society; farmers, traders, artisans, academia, women and youths, to champion their struggle and give them a voice to rely on.
Although the Nigeria political terrain is full of mischief, malice and falsehood, the character of Barr Luke has assured that honest, dependable and trustworthy personalities who are deeply rooted in grass roots politics, human justice and integrity exist.
Rt Hon Luke has made his representation a platform for the people to find justice in the most peaceful and civilized manner; a non-violent but progressive movement bringing succour to the subjugated populace, fighting for the infringed rights and bringing justice to the people who hitherto can not find justice anywhere; representing them and bringing the goodies of democracy down to the grassroots.
Barr Onofiok Luke’s political success is an eloquent testimony of his acceptability as a big political brand and the face of an emerging generation in leadership.
Across all classes and ages, the name Onofiok Luke resonates as a model to be reckoned with; deep in intellect, vocal in articulation, firm in principles, fiery in advocacy, courageous even in the face of opposition and intimidation. His generous disposition speaks volumes just as his public relations skill is legendary.
Luke has grown over the last decades in leaps and bounds. He has added several badges to his shirts and feathers to his cap. He is one of such young leaders who have deliberately oiled the wheels of intellectual development and expansion while also making bold strides in the slippery and unpredictable terrain of politics.
Most importantly, Barr Onofiok Luke has grown with the growth of politics in Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria and has perfected his understanding of the hallowed principles of loyalty and service in politics. As a human, he is not configured naturally to be immune to mistakes, but the man Onofiok Luke has always learnt from his past actions while charting a fresh course of action for the future.
Onofiok Luke is an exceptional gift to Akwa Ibom State. His valuable weapon towards target objectives is the functionality of his intellectual power. While his intellectual station proffers a sense of social responsibility, his gut to try the extraordinary underpins his impulse as a crusader for change.
He is a deeply humble young man who covers it all with the force of a brainwave that’s capable of the unexpected-A man that is naturally loved and admired by people; a democrat and pivot of mass mobilization; a man who achieves greatness through sheer determination; a good listener; a man that remains unruffled even at the height of unwarranted intimidation and provocation; a man with critical thinking skills. This is how to be a leader, this is how to be a representative. This is how to be a legend.
As he marks his 42nd birthday, I celebrate him greatly. He reminds me of hope. Hope for a generation direly in need of inspiration. The skies are his marks from where he’ll run the race of life to the end, touching and inspiring lives. I will end with the words of scripture – ‘I will satisfy him with a long life and show him my salvation,” -Psalm 91:16. Happy Birthday, my MP!
-Finbarr is a professional speaker and author of the book, Dare It, Do It