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Owanta Erosion Project: Delta State Pays Compensation to PAPs

By Vincent Anikwushe


The Delta State Government has commenced payment of compensation to Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in Owanta, Ika North East Local Government Area, whose property would be affected in one way or the other, in the construction of gully erosion project in the area.

The State Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, presented the cheques to the PAPs of the Midoma/Iwerebor Owanta Erosion Control Site for the Delta State Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) at Owanta.

The Governor, who was represented by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Chris Onogba, said the project was designed to tackle the environmental challenges associated with gully erosion and flood sites that threatened the infrastructure and livelihood of Delta communities.

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He assured them that the state government would see to it that everyone that was being affected in the course of the project would be compensated so that they could have something to fall back on.

He urged the people of Owanta not to entertain any fear but cooperate with the project contractors and coordinators of NEWMAP to see that the project was completed for the benefit of all.

According to him, “Until this work is done, I will not come to Owanta. Because I am determined to ensure that the gully erosion problem becomes a thing of the past. “I want to assure you that government will see to it that all affected persons in the course of the project are compensated. So do not entertain any fear,” he said.

The Governor, who thanked the chiefs and youths of Owanta for their relentless cooperation, urged them to continue to be at peace with the contractors, NEWMAP and themselves for the success of the project.

In his remark, the NEWMAP national coordinator, Dr. Salisu Dahiru, commended the Governor and the state government for their commitment to the project and for approving money for the compensation of the PAPs in communities with gully erosion issues.

Dahiru, who was represented by the Social/Livelihood Specialist NEWMAP Abuja, Madam Ruth Mtshelia, stressed that the compensation concerned only those affected in the course of the civil work, according to World Bank policy, noting that the people of Owanta had been very cooperative with NEWMAP and project contractors.

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