
Paul Bassey Sues For Calm Over Akwa United Poor-Run

. . . Promises Turn Around Soon



The Management of Akwa United Football Club Uyo has asked its teeming Supporters and loyal fans to have patience and faith in the ability of the team to turn things around by the grace of God.

Elder Paul Bassey, Chairman of the Club in an interview with the Club’s media department said, what is happening to Akwa United is not strange in football and should not attract premature condemnation and hasty conclusions. “Tending towards the negative”.

“Since the advent of the Governor Udom administration, Akwa United has become the State’s sports flagship, flying high Akwa Ibom’s flag to the delight of all”. The Chairman said.

The history of Akwa United in the last four years has been one of pride and consistent
glory and this is not about to change.

“The results we have garnered in the last five matches are not in consonance with all the support we have received from Governor Udom Emmanuel and the good people of Akwa Ibom State and we are poised to reward him in tandem with our God given culture of success.

“Our Sports Commissioner, with a passion for excellence and belief in Akwa United deserves our compensation.
“Not forgetting our loyal fans who have invested their emotions in us. For five weeks, they have been stressed. We promise redemption”.
The Akwa United boss reiterated his belief in the Almighty, “We surrendered this team to God and He will not allow us see shame for His name sake”.

He called for constant prayers, patience and belief. “We went for some of the best legs in the league, supported by an array of budding youth of Akwa Ibom State origin who daily strive to touch glory. “Our technical crew is one of the best, if not the best”.

He was all praise for the current run of success of Dakkada FC. “I thank this government for giving Akwa Ibom State a choice, and for more youths the opportunity to showcase their talents on the national stage”.

“For those who have called, sent text messages and prayed for us, God will answer our prayers” He advised prophets of doom to stay off the club as the club will soon bounce back to reckoning.

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