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TEPNG Holds Book Reading, Open Day Forum For Rivers Students

...Tasks Them On Healthy Reading Habits


A multi-national oil producing company, TEPNG has organised another round of Book Reading and OpenDay event for secondary school children in Rivers State. Declaring the event open, the Executive Director of the company, Mr Victor Bamidele described the exercise as a very dear program to the company that is aimed at building the capacity of children.
 “Our aim is to emphasize on the benefits of reading and how to promote the average school child’s ability to read and also develop the habit of reading”, he stated.
He disclosed that the program which distinguishes Total from other companies started since 2011 adding that the company will continue to hold Book Reading programme having seen that it has impacted so much on the children.
“Total has been holding this event since 2011 and we are special in this area as you will not find companies doing this. We will continue because we have found the effects over the years”, he disclosed.
He further said that the company will continue to inculcate reading habits in children whom according to him are the future leaders on our nation.
“As a company, we believe in the development of the children and we are proud to be able to contribute to their development,” the Executive Director said.
He advised those in the senior secondary to cultivate the costly habit of reading books, stressing that an idea read from book has the power to transform lives positively.
“If you want to be a distinguished person, start by choosing what you read from now. An idea read in one text has the power to transform your life, therefore keep reading until you find the ideas that would affect your academic, physical and personal development positively,” Mr Bamidele maintained.
On her part Mrs. Asime Dandison Brown who represented the Rivers State Government charged the children to create reading time just like the way they have siesta and TV time.
“Do not wait to have a big library before you read. You can be where ever you want to be and whenever you want by reading”.
The chairman of the panel, Dr. Anthony Orlu charged the students to prioritize their values and pin down on reading adding that the best thing to do is to engage in reading.
ln his words, “You can’t be any body without reading. A reader is a leader, if you stop reading you become irrelevant in your field”.
In his remarks, the chairman of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Mr Lucky Nkpogene lauded TEPNG for cultivating reading culture in the students but advised the company to also train teachers since they are the only ones that would complement its efforts on the children.
“I appeal that Total do incorporate teachers in the program so as to have lasting effects”, he pleaded in optimism.
He said that books are rich sources of information and enjoined the students to cultivate reading culture.
‘You are older and wiser than your age when you read because you are interacting with the old. Reading gives you opportunity to know people whom you have not met physically and people who older than you”, the NUT boss opined.

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