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A’Ibom Central Abattior And Livestock Depot Rededicate Market To God

...Holds New Year Solemn Assembly



Akwa Ibom State Central Abattoir and Livestock Depot held its first edition of 2020 solemn assembly to usher in the new year with the theme; ‘Unity of Worship'(Christian/Muslim) on Monday.

Speaking on the theme, Rev’d Mfon Umoren stressed the need to always acknowledge, observe and invite the presence of God in all human endeavours as instructed in the Bible, to draw near to God with a sincere heart, being fully persuaded that faith in God attracts things, especially when accompanied with having a conscience void of guilt.

Rev’d Umoren highlighted the importance of unity of worship, describing it as a unity of purpose driven by oneness, togetherness and harmony, most especially in an environment where business and trading is considered to be paramount, as evidenced in the daily activities at the abattoir.

“Unity in worship is a vital ingredient to the habitation of God’s Spirit in a corporate worship meeting, family, home or team. Whenever we worship God, even if we are alone in our home, we are actually joining with millions of worshippers around the world and countless angelic beings in the heavenlies, gathered around the wondrous throne of God, to offer praise, thanks and our whole lives to Him in adoration.

“So as you worship, remember you are part of a “whole”. When we come in worship, there is some sense in which we lose our individuality to join with the family of God in heaven and on earth, to worship at His footstool. Make sure, as you approach his throne, that you love and support the family to worship God in spirit and in truth”, he admonished.

In his remarks, the Chairman of Akwa Ibom State Central Abattior and Livestock Deport, Mr. Michael Essien extolled the unprecedented, gigantic and sterling leadership prowess of Governor Udom Emmanuel in the agricultural sector towards having a new phase of agricultural revolution in Akwa Ibom State.

“This abattoir, former AKTC park was built by Obong Victor Attah, the former executive governor of Akwa Ibom State. But today the vision of Obong Attah has been consolidated by Governor Udom Emmanuel’s led administration to give succour to businessmen and women cum traders in Akwa Ibom State in a more convenient and conducive environment”, he said.

Mr. Essien also eulogised the Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Agriculture and Women Affairs, Dr. Glory Edet, for her doggedness towards ensuring the stability and sustainability of the traders in Akwa Ibom State.

“Through the instrumentality of Dr. Glory Edet, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Women Affairs, this board was formally constituted and Inaugurated and by the special grace of God, I was selected to be the pioneer Chairman of Central Abattoir and Livestock Deport, Akwa Ibom State.

“As the Chairman, I am committed and dedicated to the due discharge of my duties with all amount of fairness, equity, justice, and transparency both to God and my boss, Governor Udom Emmanuel”, he stated.

The solemn assembly which had in attendance not fewer than 1000 traders featured prayers for Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State, market men and women amongst others.

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