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A’Ibom Dep Gov Happy With Activities Of Ibom Peoples Congress, USA

...As Group Plans to Train Select Healthcare Providers, High School Students On BLS and ACLS

The Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Sen. Akon Eyakenyi has commended the leadership and members of Ibom Peoples Congress USA Inc for their offer to partner with the Gov Umo Eno administration to contribute to the development of Akwa Ibom State in line with the ARISE Agenda.

Senator Akon Eyakenyi revealed this information during a meeting with the Global President of Ibom Peoples Congress USA (IPC) and their delegation, who paid a courtesy visit to her in Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom State.

The deputy governor, while thanking the diaspora-based organisation for their sustained advocacies on issues of interest at State and national levels, informed the delegation that the Umo Eno administration is committed to partnering with groups and individuals to ensure good governance and strategic development of various sectors in line with the ARISE Agenda.

She outlined the efforts of the administration to include a humane approach to issues affecting the welfare and security of citizens and inhabitants of the state.

On the ARISE Agenda, Sen. Eyakenyi stated that though Pst Eno came prepared to deliver good governance, he has in a rare show of character as a listening governor subjected the ARISE Agenda policy document to scrutiny and perfection by experts with the hosting of the Akwa Ibom Dialogue to gather inputs on how best to achieve the systematic implementation of the policy.

Responding to the offer by IPC USA to train a select number of healthcare providers and students in the State on Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Techniques, the deputy governor assured IPC of the preparedness of the Akwa Ibom State Government to support the initiative.

She expressed the gratitude of the state government to IPC for their patriotic interest to support the administration in improving the well-being of the people of the state.

Related: Governor Eno Meets Permanent Secretaries, Presents Blueprint, ARISE Agenda

Speaking earlier, the leader of the delegation and Global President of Ibom Peoples Congress USA, Prof John J. Okon, congratulated the Governor, Pst Umo Eno, and the Deputy Governor, Sen. Akon Eyakenyi on their assumption of office.
He extolled Gov Eno for the novel idea of engaging citizens, critical stakeholders, and subject matter experts in a dialogue for a buy-in to the envisioned policies, programmes, and procedures of government in various sectors.

A’Ibom Dep Gov Happy With Activities Of Ibom Peoples Congress, USA
Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Senator (Mrs) Akon Eyakenyi with President, Ibom People’s Congress, USA, IPC, Prof John J Okon (left) and IPC Director of Communications, Citizen Matthew Koffi Okono (MKO) during an interface with the deputy governor recently.

Prof Okon, who is a hybrid Professor of Communication Studies and current Chair of Communication at the Washington Adventist University, USA and visiting Professor at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria where he also serves as a member, of the board of trustees, Centre for Children with Communication Disorders, and an author with several books to his credit, informed the Deputy Governor that “in their effort to identify with the administration, IPC is prepared to partner with the Akwa Ibom State Government to train students and healthcare providers on basic and advanced cardiac life support techniques in the State.”

He noted that “The objective of this training would be to educate and foster recognition of the need for basic and advanced cardiac and paediatric life support services and improve the provision of such services to save lives.

“To achieve this, Ibom Peoples Congress USA would bring a team of highly qualified and experienced trainers (doctors and nurses) certified in Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), and Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), a Coordinator, equipment and books and train High School Students on Basic Life Support (BLS) and Healthcare Providers on Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), he noted. The training he further said will be segmented with modalities and schedule meticulously worked out with the Akwa Ibom State Government through appropriate agencies. He named Mr Dominic Ikotidem, the current treasurer of IPC as the chairman of IPC Project Committee, Head, Health Sector.

Read Also: Oku Ibom Ibibio Tasks Commissioners, Other Appointees To Work For The Success Of Gov Umo Eno’s Arise Agenda

Prof Okon, who met informally with Gov Umo Eno at the Akwa Ibom Dialogue at Ibom Icon, Uyo, was an invitee to the dialogue and participated in the education sector breakout session where he emphasized the need for the implementation of the Akwa Ibom Strategic Education Roadmap (AKSER 2020 – 2030) which was put together under the Chairmanship of Prof. Hilary Inyang during the administration of former Gov Udom Emmanuel.

Prof Okon seized the opportunity of the visit to mention some of the areas of advocacies by IPC on State and national issues including the fight for the abrogation of the Onshore-Offshore Oil Dichotomy, the recently jettisoned obnoxious National Water Resources Bill, insistence for the respect of human rights, amongst others.

He also announced the appointment of Apostle (Prof.) Ime George Nyong, the Uyo Field Superintendent of the Apostolic Church and University Don, is the new Nigerian Coordinator of IPC USA. Prof Nyong replaces Citizen Matthew Koffi Okono, who voluntarily relinquished the role to serve as the Global Director of Communications, a position he had earlier combined.

On a sad note, the IPC President expressed the heartfelt condolences of the organization over the death of Obong Bassey Inuaeyen, an elder statesman and board member of IPC, who passed on recently in the United States of America.
Ibom People’s Congress USA is a diaspora-based Pan-Akwa Ibom, non-partisan advocacy, and think-tank organization.

In the company of the IPC USA President on the visit to the Deputy Governor was Citizen Matthew Koffi Okono (MKO), the immediate past Nigerian Coordinator and serving Global Director of Communications of the group.
In a related development, IPC USA has congratulated Ms. Linda Umo, a member of IPC on her appointment as the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Diaspora Matters to Gov Eno of Akwa Ibom State.

In a letter jointly signed by the President, Prof J.J. Okon and Secretary, Engr. Ms Emem Asikpo, IPC thanked Gov Eno, for a well-thought-out appointment and congratulated Ms Umo on her new role to serve the State, describing her as a result-oriented team player.

The Board of Trustees of IPC, which is made up of eminent sons and daughters of Akwa Ibom State, is chaired by Prof Hilary Inyang, a globally renowned scholar. Other board members are Dr Tom Mbeke-Ekanem, BOT Secretary, Prof JJ Okon, Chief Assam Assam, SAN, Prof Akpan H. Ekpo, Rt. Hon. Chief Ndueso Essien, Prof Uduak Archibong, Engr. Mrs Mayen Adetiba and Obong Barrister Itata Itata, General Counsel.

The group registered and with headquarters in the United States of America, has liaison offices in the United Kingdom with Engr. Enewan Ebong as Coordinator and Nigeria with Apostle Prof Ime G. Nyong as Coordinator. Other exco members are: Mr Tom Umo, Assistant Secretary, Obong (Barr.) Itata Itata, General Counsel, Mr Essien S. Essien, Financial Secretary, Bishop Edemekong Ekong, Assistant European Coordinator and Engr. Anthony Udoekong, Assistant Nigerian Coordinator.

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