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Akwa Ibom @37: A Fulfilling Destiny

It is yet another milestone and time to appraise the gift of statehood bequeathed to Akwa Ibom 37 years ago in fulfilment of the vision of its forebears, who were the first indigenous people in Nigeria to demand state creation. It was the golden dream of the forebears that their offspring should proudly live in a defined and contiguous entity they could rightly call theirs within the Nigerian nation.

Therefore, with the dream coming true on September 23, 1987, it now behoves the present generations to build a united and prosperous state where every Akwa Ibom person will live in freedom and peace and fulfil their respective goals and destiny. Fortunately, Akwa lbom has been blessed with visionary leaders since its creation who have laid the building blocks for rapid economic and social development of the state, especially in infrastructural provisions.

As a result, Akwa Ibom is today standing tall in the community of states. So far, a solid foundation, institutions and enabling environment are being laid for the realisation of the Akwa Ibom Project, that is, to drive the state to the heights of development. As already said, Akwa Ibom State’s profile is on the rise in the country as its leaders and people continue to make strides in various human endeavours and set standards in politics, economic and social development.

However, in reflecting on the 37 years of statehood, the journey had, nevertheless, been fraught with obstacles that would have derailed the state’s destiny but for the people’s determination. There were times when the unity of the state was called to test when detractors were almost balkanising the state. But thank God that the people of Akwa Ibom State understand the import of love, peace and unity, which they have continued to exhibit in all ramifications. Based on these attributes, the state has come to be rightly described as one of the most peaceful in Nigeria.

With past leaders having contributed their quota to the development of the state, the mantle of leadership has been passed to Pastor Umo Eno as the governor of Akwa Ibom State. He is the man of the moment to lead in the celebration and chart the way forward. He is the new Moses of Akwa Ibom saddled with the responsibility of taking the people closer to the egalitarian state they sort of envisaged, so far he has demonstrated the passion to serve as well as shown the capacity to lead.

His leadership style continues to endear him all the more to the people and even to the opposition, thereby creating the unity needed to build the state and bringing a refresh to the state’s polity. Such an approach to governance is winning the hearts and souls of the people, as they all have joined hands with his administration to continue to move Akwa Ibom State forward.

Related: Oku Ibom Ibibio Laud’s Gov. Eno On One Year Success Story

What is central to his policy is welfare, which has been introduced with pragmatism and a strong political will to implement it. For example, the elderly and youth have been given pride of place by his administration with the regular payment of gratuity to pensioners and the recent announcement of the creation of about 62,000 jobs for Akwa Ibom youths.

Payment of gratuity is a cardinal program of his administration and has given the senior citizens the comforting sense of being carried along by the government to enjoy the dividends of statehood. Through his programs that draw him nearer to the grassroots, Governor Eno is building a government for all where not only the politicians and civil servants would benefit from the gains of statehood.

As already said, Akwa Ibom State has been blessed with visionary leaders all along who have contributed their quota in moving the state to enviable heights. Together, they have laid a solid foundation for the full realisation of the Akwa Ibom Dream. However, at this point, it is necessary to draw attention to some fundamental projects needed as economic game-changers that have to be pursued to a logical conclusion for the state’s overall prosperity. They include the Ibom Science Park and Ibom Deep Seaport. Finally, the government and people of Akwa Ibom have good cause to celebrate the state at 37 years and to look forward to a glorious and prosperous future in fulfilment of their destiny.

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