
Death Of Executive Director: NDDC Shuts Down Head Office



The headquarters office of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has been shut down following the sudden death of the Executive Director, Finance, Chief Ibanga Etang, in the early hours of Thursday.


In an internal memo dated May 28, 2020, with reference no: NDDC/HO/HAHR/3 signed by one Silas Anyanwu, Esq on behalf of the management, the Commission directed all Directors, Heads of Departments/ Units and indeed, all staff to vacate the complex with immediate effect.


The memo asked them to go into self-isolation for two weeks beginning from Thursday, May 28, 2020; while the premises would be decontaminated.
The memo did not state why the shutdown order was not stated, but speculations were rife that Etang’s death may be unconnected to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic informing the fumigation of the offices.


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The memo reads thus: “I am directed to inform all staff that management has approved that the Commission be shut down for two weeks from today May 28, 2020.


“Consequently, all activities in the Commission including ongoing matters are hereby shut down for the time being.
“Members of staff are to ensure that all electrical appliances in their offices are switched off before leaving the premises.


“The Head Security is by this memo directed to work out modalities to ensure the safety and security of the Commission while Director, Administration is requested to fumigate and decontaminate the entire offices in the Headquarters during the period.


“Meanwhile, staff are enjoined to go into self-isolation for two weeks as they await further directives from management”.
The commission has been dogged by forensic audit and recently the National Assembly had moved to probe the Interim Management Committee (IMC) over alleged financial improprieties to the tune of N40 billion of the NDDC.


Chief Etang, who hails from Esit Eket, Akwa Ibom State, was a former Chairman of Esit Eket LGA.

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