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Eteidung Asikpo Marks One Year As Village Head Of Ekpri Nsukara Offot

...Lauds Gov. Eno, Ekpri Nsukara Indigenes For Cooperation

The Village Head of Ekpri Nsukara Offot in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Eteidung Emem Denis Asikpo, has marked one year on the throne with thanks to the Almighty God for granting him the grace to serve his people as a king.

Eteidung Asikpo, who ascended the throne of Ekpri Nsukara Offot on Saturday, May 6, 2023, commended the Governor Umo Eno-led administration and former Governor Udom Emmanuel for confirming his status by issuing him a certificate of recognition on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

In a statement marking his first anniversary on Wednesday, Eteidung Asikpo also appreciated the kingmakers, village council, stakeholders and the indigenes of Ekpri Nsukara Offot Village for choosing him to be their king and reiterated his resolve to always justify the confidence they repose in him.

Selection of Emem Denis Asikpo as Village Head-elect on Saturday, May 6, 2023

He reaffirmed his commitment to continue administering the affairs of the village on the path of peace, love, unity, orderliness and progress, and urged the people not to relent in their total support and cooperation with the Village Council and family heads.

Eteidung Asikpo also stressed that the Ekpri Nsukara Offot Community remains very supportive of Governor Umo Eno’s ARISE Agenda, describing the programme as very innovative, and a transformation package for the development of Akwa Ibom State in all areas.

Related: AKSG Gives Certificate Of Recognition To Eteidung Asikpo As Village Head Of Ekpri Nsukara Offot

“I remain very grateful to the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno; the immediate past Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel; and the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon. Frank Archibong, for issuing me a certificate of recognition within the first year of my selection.

Eteidung Asikpo Marks One Year
Eteidung Emem Denis Asikpo displays his certificate of recognition issued by the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Tuesday, February 27, 2024

“I wish to also express my profound appreciation to the Paramount Ruler of Uyo Local Government Area, HRM Edidem Sylvanus Effiong Okon; the Uyo Traditional Rulers Council; and the Offot Ukwa Clan Council of Chiefs for the unquantifiable support and cooperation given to the village under my leadership,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Village Council, Comrade Morris Silas Bassey, and the Secretary, Elder Domingo B. Etim, on behalf of the stakeholders of the village, have congratulated Eteidung Asikpo on his first year on the throne, describing his leadership as excellent and very rewarding for the village.

They noted that Eteidung Asikpo’s reign has engendered peace, love, unity, security and development in Ekpri Nsukara Offot and pledged their continued support and loyalty to him to encourage his sterling leadership, while also committing him to God’s unlimited care, wisdom and prosperity.

Clan Head of Offot Ukwa and Paramount Ruler of Uyo LGA, HRM Edidem Sylvanus Effiong Okon congratulates Eteidung Emem Denis Asikpo.

It could be recalled that the selection process by the Kingmakers at the Village Hall at Mission Road on Saturday, May 6, 2023, climaxed with the traditional palm frond known locally as udàk being decorated on the neck of Emem Denis Asikpo, and thereafter, he was presented before the villagers and later to the Offot Ukwa Clan Council of Chiefs and the Uyo Traditional Rulers Council according to traditional rites.

Asikpo filled the vacant stool following the demise of their village head, the late Eteidung Linus Etim Essien, who joined his ancestors and was laid to rest on Friday, December 23, 2022.

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