The Director of Calabar Cancer Registry, Prof Ima-Obong Ekanem has said that there is very high incidence of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer prevalent among women in Calabar, higher than what is obtainable elsewhere.
She relied on a recent study conducted by the registry between 2009 and 2013 on Cancer Incidence in Calabar as well as records available at their disposal and emphasized that they do not yet understand the reason for the very high prevalence but that further investigations need be carried out.
Giving some details of the study, she said HIV-associated cancer such as cervical cancer, Kaposi’s sarcoma and Lymphoma are among the most common cancers in Calabar.
The study disclosed that breast cancer is the leading cause of cancers in women just as it is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide where 1.7 million new cases were diagnosed few years ago, adding that there is relatively high incidence of prostate cancer and Kaposi sarcoma in men and cervical, adding that breast cancer in women is now of note.
It said that men in their forties are mostly affected by the ravage of cancer. “The age specific incidence of prostate cancer which is the leading cancer among men in Calabar rises sharply from age 40-44 years. This possibly may be due to an increased number of urologists in the teaching hospital during the period this study leading to more cases being diagnosed”.
According to Ekanem, over a third of all cancers are preventable by reducing exposure to risk factors. She recommends that early detection of cancers including the use of screening programmes, better awareness and service availability can lead to early diagnosis.
“However, such screening is not affordable by majority of the women. For these detection programmes to be effective, a strong health care system must be in place to provide equity of access to diagnosis, treatment and palliative care of all cancer patients.”
Ekanem, who is also the Head of Department of Pathology in the Faculty of Medicine in the College of Medical Sciences, also appealed to public spirited individuals, groups, governments and firms to come to the aid of the cancer registry with supports to enable delve them more into research and registrations.