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NUPENG: Engine Lubricant Dealers A’Ibom Chapter Gets EXCO


The National Union of Petroleum and National Gas Workers, Engine Lubricant Dealers, Akwa Ibom State chapter, has inaugurated its executive members to run the affairs of the body in the state.

The ceremony which was held in Uyo recently was performed by the representatives of NUPENG led by its National Chairman, Comrade Segun Braimoh.

Inaugurating the state chapter officers of the union, Comrade Braimoh charged the newly inaugurated Exco to rise up to the challenges and demands of NUPENG in the state.

The National Chairman disclosed that NUPENG is a very strategic and vital body in the economy of the nation. He stressed that any government, person or organization that tampers with the operations of NUPENG anywhere in Nigeria, such people risked causing serious breakdown in economic and social activities of the country as that may likely lead to strike or confrontation.

However, Comrade Braimoh admonished the newly inaugurated Akwa Ibom State Exco to eschew bitterness and acrimony among members as that will lead to counter-productive in their effort to claim their rightful position in the state and national arrangements.

He urged all members of the union to be issued with identitycard as a means to recognize and identify them wherever they go.

Responding, the State Chairman of National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG -ELD), Comrade Aniedi Sambo aka Dangote, expressed his appreciation to God Almighty for what He has done for the body in the state, and making the inauguration to finally come to fruition.

Comrade Sambo thanked the national body of NUPENG led by Comrade Segun Braimoh for the efforts and understanding they displayed which culminated in the inauguration of the Akwa Ibom State Chapter of the National Union of Petroleum and National Gas Workers (ELD).

He paid glowing tributes to his executive members and other members of the union for their undiluted support and sacrifice for NUPENG (ELD) in the state which has given the body the privilege to contribute positively to the development of economy of Akwa Ibom State in particular and Nigeria in general.

Comrade Aniedi Sambo promised to carry every member of the union along and to initiate policies that will enhance the welfare and progress of members of the union and the union itself.

He promised to welcome constructive criticisms and ideas that will unite the union in the state and move it forward. Mr. Sambo used the occasion to inform the national body that the state chapter of NUPENG (ELD) under his leadership has secured office complex along Idoro Road, Uyo.

He warned that the state chapter of NUPENG (ELD) will deal decisively with unauthorized dealers and those responsible for adulterated products in the state.

In his goodwill message to the newly inaugurated executive officers of NUPENG (ELD), Akwa Ibom State Chapter, the former senior special assistant to the Governor on project monitoring, Pastor Ekerete Inyang, urged members to work hard and strike a balance between the union and the society.

In his words: “NUPENG is one of the most powerful bodies in Nigeria, and as a member of IPMAN, I understand the potency of NUPENG”. Pastor Inyang’s opinion was corroborated by Pastor Ignatius Edet, who assured the national chairman and his team that Comrade Aniedi Sambo is an experienced and dynamic administrator who will certainly deliver on his given mandate as the State Chairman of NUPENG (ELD).

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