
There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel!

By Aniekan Bassey


Fellow Citizens of Akwa Ibom States. Let me on behalf of Members of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly welcome you specially to this new month of April; the beginning of second quarter of 2020.

It is indeed a trying and challenging time following the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. The outbreak has no doubt altered our way of life, social cohesion, and hospitality and sent great anxieties down our spines.

This is not time to entertain fear and apprehension because we shall come out of this stronger and better.
As you go about your different undertakings, I urge you all to have faith in God Almighty who makes all things beautiful in His time.

We must find solace in His word as scripted in Psalm 91:1, “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Endeavour to adhere strictly to all safety and hygiene precautions. Stay safe; observe social distancing, wash your hands regularly with soap and running water, use hand sanitizers and remain at home.

Remember to check and share with your loved ones at this period of uncertainties. There is light at the end of the tunnel for God’s countenance will shine upon us.

On behalf of the Peoples 7th Assembly, be rest assured that we are in this together and none shall be missing.
Above all, I pray God Almighty to bless the works of your hands and grant you the wherewithal to end well.

Happy New Month and God bless Akwa Ibom State.

-Being April 1, 2020, welcome message by Rt. Hon. Aniekan Bassey, Speaker, Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly

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