

Nkari Community Will Miss The Late Obong Bassey Inuaeyen Greatly

When news of the death of our great leader, a philanthropist, bridge builder and community leader, late Obong Bassey Inuaeyen, was first made public, it came to us in Ini Local Government Area and Nkari community where he came from with a great sense of loss, because of the positive value and impact he brought to the people of the area while alive.

He died when his local government, community and the entire state would need his wise counsel and positive contributions the most.

Nkari community has lost a son, a father, a bridge builder, a community leader and a philanthropist to the cold hand of death.

We pray may this calamity never befalls the people of Ini Local Government and Nkari community again, and that God should comfort the people by raising yet another to fill the vacuum the sudden demise of late Obong Bassey Inuaeyen has created.

 Imeobong Usanga, Ini


Let FG Palliatives Get To The Right People On Time

It is no longer secret that the recent removal of fuel subsidies in Nigeria has exposed many Nigerians to untold economic hardship like never before, hence the donation of palliatives to states by the Federal Government to cushion its adverse effect on the people.

While some Nigerians have commended President Tinubu-led Federal Government for the swift steps, others have also expressed concern and worry over some state’s government’s poor handling formula in sharing the donated palliative to the right people on time.

The state government should note that the people to whom these palliative items were given are closely watching to see that they do not allow a repeat of what happened to the “#EndSARS and COVID-19 palliatives, where the allegedly hoarded items got spoiled while the people were denied access to it.

Our beloved Governor Umo Eno, this is the first test that the Akwa Ibom people would put you through, don’t fail them. Prove the naysayers wrong this time around.

Udeme Ntuen, Uyo


Nsit Atai/Okobo Road Project Is Over-delayed

When Akwa Ibom State government awarded the contract for the construction of Nsit Atai/Okobo Road project over eight years ago, the people living within these areas thought that their long predicaments were not only addressed but permanently solved.

Little did they know that what started like a child’s play would snowball into an ugly development that raises questions in the minds of many Akwa Ibom people on the remote causes of the over-delay /abandonment of the road project.

Many thanks to the ingenuity of the duo of members representing Nsit Atai and Okobo in the State House of Assembly, who raised a legislative concern on the floor of the House over the deplorable state of the road, thereby calling for immediate completion of the project without further delay.

The people living within and across this area deserve better treatment than what the state government meted out to them in the last eight years.

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